Thinking With Type: Letter

This section in Ellen Lutpon’s “Thinking With Type” provided me with an interesting look into how type and various typefaces have changed from the early use of moveable type to the current advances in digital type. After reading through how type has changed due to changing times and their technologies, I would have to say that the “monster fonts”–or “big, bold faces…designed by distoring the anatomical elements of classical letters” (pg. 21)–were my favorites. These bold fonts are similar to the ones that we often see in advertising and media, which is where my interests lie. For this reason, I think that I am particularly drawn to these styles of type. Looking at the large gothic types especially, the letterforms catch my eye and create an aesthetically pleasing reading experience for me.

If I had to choose any type of lettering that was my absolute favorite in this section, however, it would be the hand lettering on pages 50 and 51. This hand lettering is very close to graphic design and art, and its organic, different shaped letters make it seem very personal and special. Because we probably won’t be dealing with hand lettering in this course, however, I would still choose monster fonts as my favorite because they have this same big and bold feel to them.

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